Job and apprenticeship placement in Germany
An overview of various offers and portals for living and learning in Germany. We also want to use this information to 'relieve' the voluntary service programme by offering young people more opportunities to come to Germany. We also hope that this will lead to more applications for volunteer service visas being accepted by the German embassy, as unfortunately only around half of the applications are currently accepted.
Die langjährige Partnerorganisation vermittelt Stellen sowohl zur Ausbildung als auch als Arbeitsplatz primär in Camphill-Gemeinschaften. Ein Freiwilligenjahr in Deutschland eignet sich gut, um diese Art des Lebens kennzulernen.
The long-standing partner organisation places people both in training and in jobs, primarily in Camphill communities. A volunteer year in Germany is a good way to familiarise yourself with this way of life.
The German Chamber of Commerce in Colombo works closely with companies from Germany and also offers mediation services.
The Goethe-Institut is a globally active organisation of the German Federal Government. It offers language courses and organises cultural events. The financing of language courses for the levels 'A2', 'B1', 'B2', 'C1', C2' can be covered by the German state as part of a voluntary service, "A1" must be financed by yourself.
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